Yoruba Value System

In Yorubaland, money has never been at the top of Yoruba value system.  

In the Yoruba value system money is number 5, what are the first 4?

The first is laaka'ye which is the application of ogbon, imo, oye (knowledge, wisdom, understanding). For instance, my grandfather was like the chief judge in our homestead Adelegun. and our town Ago-Iwoye, in his time.  He did not have western education nor was he rich but as he had wisdom he was qualified. When the late Pa Abraham Adesanya and Adekunle Ajasin were made leaders, they were not the richest. 

The second is valour. That is why Baloguns are second in command to the leaders in Yorubaland. Baloguns are people that can lead them to war. Yorubas have no respect for cowards. 

The third is integrity, someone with integrity is a person of their words.  If you have all the wealth in the world but lack integrity, it means nothing. Integrity is combined with iwa- character which the Yoruba regard as omoluabi.

The fourth is having a visible means of living, that is his or her trade, profession or job. 

The last in the Yoruba value system is money.  If you have money in place of the earlier four, you are nobody- from an interview by Tola Adeniyi former MD of Daily Times 

Credit to Beautiful Nubia for a picture that explains what Iwa, character is to the Yoruba. 



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