
Showing posts from January, 2023


One of the attributes of a leader is the strength not to be intimidated. Particularly because of money involved or the people surrounding the money. The leader does not allow others to bully them intellectually. The leader may have advisers but recognises they can only rely in part on them. At the end they must exercise their best judgement with the available evidence. Yoruba nation will continue to bring forth leaders who put Yoruba nation first. #weareourownleaders #everygenerationisanewpeople #Oduduwa

Frederick Lugard

I saw the picture below in a video about the British Empire and thought it related to the Northern & Southern Protectorate.  A historian friend informed me that the picture relates to India where Lugard was stationed before he was sent to what became Nigeria. That like many of his contemporaries who were sent to Africa he had what today would be called PTSD after what he did in India, since killing people en masse does not make for a stable human being. I am reminded of soldiers returning from wars. This means that after supervising the death of millions in India he was sent to West Africa., so the Africans had no chance. In addition to this he had a fiancée who cheated on him which led to a mental breakdown. After all that how could Lugard be normal? Note many of those the British sent to run their Colonial office were the worst of the British, even the aristocrats like Harcourt were damaged human beings. Never mind the ones who grew up in workhouses, read some of Charles Dickens


  “Osossi” A West African myth from the Ifa corpus recorded by Pierre Verger For (Osa Ika) “Olofin was an African king in the land of Ife, the origin of all of the Yoruba people. Each year at harvest time, The king would commemorate his reign with an yam festival. The festival date came and the king assembled his wives,  ministers and kingdom people for the celebration. The festivalgoers ate and drank wine in celebration of the new yam. Just the festival was in full swing, an enormous black bird flew over the palace. The bird flew to the right, and then the left. The giant bird finally came to rest on the roof of the palace. The strange, enormous bird had been sent by the Iyami, the witches who were furious because they were not invited to the festival. The bird frightened all of those present at the festival. It was so large that the king thought a giant cloud had covered the city at first. When it stretched its wings, it covered the entire width and breath of the palace. It’s enormou

I have read your call for peace

I   have read your call for peace. For years the Fulani and the Yorubaland Farmers have had occasional contention over grazing but it was not a threat to Yorubaland Farmers livelihood in terms of the scope until 2015 when Muhammadu Buhari was elected into office. Since then it took an unprecedented acceleration that has brought poverty, misery, unleashed mayhem and destroyed SW Nigeria. I am a farmer. I saw it all and raised the alarm way back in 2015.I had to Shoot their Cows 🐄 on their entering my property after their Bororo leader decided to test me even after I fired 2 warning ⚠️ shots into the Air and into the Ground. What I observed that day in December 2015 was “ Combat Tradecraft “ of trained terrorist. Their leader crouched and cupped his ear from 200 yards looking at my direction to decipher the type of weaponry I had all the while with an AK-47 slung over his left shoulder. He nugged his Cattle further into my Farm . I let the Huge female Cow move well away to his left and

Yoruba Belief System

Yoruba people have a rich belief system and perception of death in the sense that we believe that we do not die. We simply transcend; we change forms, go on to exist in a different realm, space, time and condition. As @aremogemini said in his spoken word performance at @jumokesanwo 's DunaDura "Awa kii ku nile yii, oju nii si lo lara wa". Loosely translated to mean that In this land, we do not die. People simply become forgetful of us. When we die in old age, we become ancestors to be venerated. Entrusted with watching over our children, family members, state of affair etc protecting and providing guidance from our Orun (The Source). Always present and involved even though people get forgetful of us with the passage of time. The people who die before maturity are given a chance to come back if they wish or go to exist in a different space. As ancestors, we are venerated as Egungun. May Egungun harmonize every unbalanced aspect of our life and path... Àṣẹ Èdùmàrè Gbogbo ọm

"Your land or your blood"

Below was published in Vanguard in 2016 Mr Adamu Mohammed wrote an essay on Facebook titled "Your land or your blood"  "Ever since President Muhammadu Buhari took over the mantle of leadership of this great country Nigeria, we have come under attack from enemies of progress.  Just because they own and control the media they use the media against us. But let me make something clear to you stupid fellows hating us, whether you love us or hate it doesn't change anything. We are who we are and we will continue to remain like that. We hate you even more and we can never love you because you are all infidels.  I pity those of you who keep deluding yourselves that we can love and trust you simply because you worked against your people to our own advantage never! I heard that the stupid Governor of Oyo, State, Ajimobi, said that they won't accept the proposed Grazing Bill. But my message to the filthy Yoruba pig is that, if you don't want to give us your cursed land,


 So beautiful!!!!

Fulani Terrorism



Lest we forget there were 7 Hausa kingdoms in what is today known as North West Nigeria. These Hausa kingdoms were prosperous flourishing entities. Then the deceitful, treacherous Uthman Dan Fodio arrived claiming to bring true Islam. He and his fellow Fula, used the ignorance of the Hausa masses about Islam to lie and cheat his way into their hearts. He abused and used the trust of the Hausa king who gave him hospitality to kill him and take over his kingdom. All the Hausa kings,  traditional rulers and leaders were eliminated. Today the Hausa have lost their land etc. The Fulani were smart and learnt the Hausa Language, a trick that makes it easy to conquer. At the same time making sure nobody learnt the Fulani language. Now the Hausa nation is lost, its as if they exist to serve their master.  The perception of reality is such that he is unable to see the evidence of his eyes as he fights you if you go against the one who turned him into a slave, a beggar on his ancestral lands. If



Woman as a member of the family in Yoruba society

WOMAN AS A MEMBER OF THE FAMILY IN YORÙBÁ SOCIETY That a daughter is born in a family is seen as a good omen unlike in some societies. Both genders are welcome in the Yorùbá family with all fanfare. The family members would even posit that ‘Owo ero lo fi bere (lit. She starts with softness/gentleness) when a wife gives birth to a baby-girl. ‘Gbogbo lomo (Either male or female child, there is no difference); ‘Ko si iketa omo; atokunrin atobinrin’ (there is no third child after male and female). Thus, woman is seen as a full and important member of the family from birth. As the female child grows up, she assumes her roles and responsibilities ordinarily as a member of the family, NOT as a female. Although she is expected to fulfil extra responsibilities; it is as a form of further and former training to be able to meet up with her higher tasks as a mother in the not too far future in the same society. If she is not well trained, no suitor would want to seek her hand in marriage. It is on