Frederick Lugard

I saw the picture below in a video about the British Empire and thought it related to the Northern & Southern Protectorate. 

A historian friend informed me that the picture relates to India where Lugard was stationed before he was sent to what became Nigeria. That like many of his contemporaries who were sent to Africa he had what today would be called PTSD after what he did in India, since killing people en masse does not make for a stable human being. I am reminded of soldiers returning from wars.

This means that after supervising the death of millions in India he was sent to West Africa., so the Africans had no chance. In addition to this he had a fiancée who cheated on him which led to a mental breakdown. After all that how could Lugard be normal?

Note many of those the British sent to run their Colonial office were the worst of the British, even the aristocrats like Harcourt were damaged human beings. Never mind the ones who grew up in workhouses, read some of Charles Dickens books to see how bad they were. 

It's hardly surprising the British do not teach their colonial history. 


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