Is history about to repeat itself?

May 1962, the Western Region Constitution was suspended by the criminals in army uniform. Awolowo had been put in prison on charges of treason.

Sensible people at the time said deal with the problem that led to suspension of Western Region Constitution, you have a Constitutional crisis on your hands.
Did the Political class listen to the voice of reason? no they worked with the Khaki boys to have an election in 1963.
That and others led to January 1966 and the subsequent death of millions.
In 1992 a series of events took place that led to the annulment of MKO mandate in 1993.  Many died and the class of 1966 went and got their head house slave OBJ from prison to act as their front.
In 2023, there's another Constitutional crisis.  Everyone knows there's no Constitution just Decree 24 that's being used by the class of 1966 who hijacked the carcass of what our forefathers agreed to. The political class along with the class of 1966  like men of low mentality are rushing headlong into elections another disaster.
Who will  pay the price when everything scatters this time?


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