Yoruba Customary Law

Customary law

Yoruba people had a system of customary law which they developed over hundreds of years and it served them well before the arrival of the colonial plantation Nigeria.
This is where customs, patterns of behaviour, are accepted by a society as legal. It is based on obligations, rules of conduct, practices and beliefs which is vital and forms part  the social and economic system of a people.
Why raise this because research shows that we can be effectively and fairly judged by our peers. They can do this simply with knowledge of their fellow human being, ability to reason and facts of the case. It seems this system is less corrupt than one that uses a judge.
Presently the Yoruba nation still uses customary law for marriage and inheritance. Oduduwa Republic will expand this and use it as a basis of a Yoruba legal jurisprudence to include all aspects of life.
Customary law will be an important part of the Oodua Department of Justice. The use of customary law will be updated for the modern lives of the children of Oodua.  
One people, one language one culture.
The future is bright, the future is Oduduwa Republic


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