Land is life and Life is land

 Land is Life and Life is Land

Mother Nature has it's way of saving the people who remain on their ancestral land. People need to realise that there's a direct connection between the land and the people who carry its DNA.
Whilst DNA is tested for in the blood,  it's actually stored in the bones. This is why you can identify the DNA of long dead people. It's also why people prefer to be buried in their soil. It's why Yorubas insist their Obas must be buried on their land.  
Why the Kalabari,  along with other indigenous Nationalities tell in laws that they married the flesh, not the bones.
For those who are followers of Christianity you will remember, the story of Joseph in the Bible, who told his people that no matter how long they were enslaved in Egypt,  they must take his bones with them when they are leaving.
Why tell the above story
Because history teaches us that Indigenous people who stay on their land generally survive. Its when they leave their land that they perish and by extension lose their land.
We must work with the universe.
We will remember the sacrifices of our ancestors to keep Yorubaland for us
We will pass on Yorubaland to our descendants.


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