“Esu, Yemoja, Oshun, Oya and the 20 Cowries" A Yoruba Tale

Oya and Osun were wives of Sàngó. Yemoja was the wife of Ogun. One day, all three happened to be shopping at the market in Oyo. Esu entered the market, leading s large goat on a rope. Seeing that all was orderly and calm, he decided to create a contention among the female divinities.

He approached the orisa and greeted them. “
“My queens, I must leave the city on an important errand. Please sell my goat for me, if you will. The price is 20 cowries. We will split he proceeds among ourselves. My portion will be 10 cowries and you three may divide the 10 among yourselves equally.”
They all agreed and Esu left them in charge of the goat. The animal quickly sold and the orisa separated 10 cowries for Esu and began to devide the 10 amongst themselves. They separated the cowries into 3 piles but one cowrie remained.
Yemoja said: “I am the eldest among us. As the elder the extra cowrie should go to me.”
But Oshun and Oya protested.
Oshun said: “As the youngest among us, the extra cowrie should go to me. In the land of my birth it is said that the youngest should be treated the most graciously.”  
But Yemoja and Oya protested loudly in disagreement.
Oya said “As I am both younger than Yemoja and older than Oshun, it is I who should receive the extra cowrie as I satisfy both arguments.”
But again the remaining two orisa protested that this was neither fair nor correct.
The three orisa continued to bicker heatedly. A satisfactory compromise could not be found.
Esu returned and found the orisa arguing. He approached them and he asked for his cowries.
Then he said: “Give me the other ten and i shall divide them equally.”
He gave each one 3 cowries.  Then he dug a hole in the ground, placed the cowrie in it  and buried it.
“The extra cowrie is for the ancestors. In the Sky, it was always done this way. When someone receives something good, one should remember the ancestors. When the crops are harvested, the first portion should be given to the ancestors. When there is feasting, a portion should be set aside for the ancestors. This is how it was always done when we were in the Sky and so it should be done here on earth. Whenever a blessing comes to someone, it should be shared with the ancestors. Had you remembered this, there would not have been strife and contention among you three.”
Yemoja, Oya and Oshun agreed with Esu. Each was contented with their portion of the cowries. Thereafter, people shared a portion of the crops and blessings.


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