Traditionally, ancient Yorùbá people were said to be monogamic, although polygamy was not forbidden - only wealthy men were said to be polygamous otherwise having one wife was necessary. In recent times, the marriage laws and customs in Yorùbáland have undergone many changes due to the wide acceptance of Christianity and Islam. But all things being equal and normal, there are three stages to be observed:
The first stage was for the elder female members of the family to look out for a wife for their male relative. It is said that young men married as soon as they are of age to support the family and the girls are often marked out from childhood for a particular young man even with or without her knowledge. They will first check the girls family background (medical, financial and criminal history), if satisfied, they will then approach her parents and then consent will be established, if the girl likes the young man in question then stage 2 is unlocked, though it is rare for a girl to refuse her parent's choice.
The second stage is called "betrothal" where both families will make the consent formal, it is usually held at night but only after which the oracle had been consulted, the young man will present ogójì òbí (40 kolanuts), cowries and ẹmu (palmwine) for refreshment, the kolanuts will be split and everyone present must have a bite of it to signify that they are witness to the betrothal. From that day, the bride-to-be must not meet the groom-to-be or any of his family without covering her face. In addition to this, the groom-to-be family will also present some atairẹ (alligator pepper), orógbó (bitter kola) and more kolanut to the bride-to-be family: this is said to signify the future relationship between both families. This was usually followed by "Ebo Ìyàwó" (Bride sacrifice), an offering of sacrifices to seek blessings from the gods (the couple-to-be will carry it themselves).
Lastly, is the Ìgbéyàwó, which is usually held anytime of the year except during fast and Egúngún festival - the bride will be clothed in her best attire, covered with a white veil, she will journey from her parents home to that of her fiancee in the company of her friends with bards behind her, she will be met at the entrance gate of the bridegroom's compound by his female relatives who will wash her feet and literally lift her into the house (her feet will not touch the soil until she is inside) hence, the term "Gbé Ìyàwó"(lift or carry the bride), she is then taken to the bathroom where she is washed afresh, rubbed and perfumed and then dressed. She now becomes the inmate member of that family and the marriage is sealed. #yorubablog
Photo|GettyImages: The bridesmaid (right) is throwing a pan of water under the feet of the bride Christie Bola as she stands with her groom, Julius M. St. Matthew Bangoel, at their wedding ceremony in London, October 1954.


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